City Of Johannesburg Municipal Accounts

Please note that there is a delay in municipal accounts being sent out due to the budget being approved so late. Our understanding is that the systems are also currently down while they update the tariffs. JPOMA has contacted CoJ but has not received any feedback yet as to when they will be sent out.

COJ encourage customers to continue to pay their municipal accounts as per their normal monthly average consumption.

Customers whose finances have been negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and are unable to pay for their rates should make payment arrangements in order to avoid penalties on overdue accounts. They do not have to visit City’s offices as arrangements can be made via email by sending required documents through to the following email address where dedicated staff members will be ready to assist:

If you do not receive a response from this email, please forward it to Angela Rivers to escalate for you.

City of Courage virtual tour

City of Courage virtual tour

Inner City CAN Collective, a part of Gauteng Together, is proud to be launching their Mandela Day campaign. On the 18th July please join them with their partners on a virtual tour of Joburg, the City of Courage and learn how you can make a difference in tackling Gender Based Violence. Join Luke Lamprecht from Fight With Insight and his runners as they tour Mandela landmarks and speak to acitivists in the GBV field. Thanks to their partners The Angel Network SA, Women and Men Against Child Abuse, Afrika AWAKE and Ingelosi Foundation

Buy your ticket to the virtual City of Courage Tour on Quicket

Support the Makers Valley Community Kitchens

Over the past few months, the Makers Valley Partnership (MVP) has dedicated their efforts to the pressing needs of their community in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

From April 19th to July 1st 2020 Makers Valley Partnership (made up of a network of people, organisations and businesses) organised 31 Food Kitchen Days and served meals to 11 150 people at Victoria Yards.

Makers Valley Partnership has made the decision to shift towards a different, localised, and community-based approach sparked by conversations around a more long-term and sustainable solution, which is where they need your support.

Community Kitchens

The local Community Kitchens will cater for their immediate neighbours. This will allow MVP to ensure that the food support reaches those most in need as the community members know – and are accountable to – the people in their neighbourhood. All Community Kitchens will keep a record of their beneficiaries allowing MVP to better monitor and cross-check for duplicates.

MVP has identified five Community Kitchens, three of which require support with an initial ‘starter-pack’ of equipment, such as a gas stove, large cooking pots, and a gas supply.

See attached poster with the items and banking details if you are able to invest or would like to share with someone that may be able to.

The Makers Valley Partnership (MVP) Food Hub will continue to support these kitchens with the food donations received.

Webinar: What to do when tenants test positive

JPOMA will be hosting a webinar this week on what to do if a tenant tests positive for COVID-19 in your building.

To book, click here.

Date: Thursday 9th July
Time: 2pm

Please forward Angela ( any questions, queries or suggestions by no later than COB on Tuesday 7 July.

JPOMA has a YouTube Account where all webinars will be loaded. Angela has already loaded the Eviction Webinar, to watch click here.

Metro Link to close amid suspected COVID-19 case

The Department of Development Planning will close the Metro Link today, Friday, 03 July 2020, for deep cleaning after the housemate of a staff member tested positive. The staff member is self-isolating at home and will test for the virus.

This comes a week following the re-opening of the Metro Link, which has served as the interface centre of the Department under Alert Level 3 of the COVID-19 National Lockdown. The Metro Link will once again open on Tuesday, 07 July 2020 and will operate between Tuesday and Friday every week.

Earlier this week, a second staff member in Corporate Geo-Informatics tested positive. It is still unclear whether their infection is linked to the first positive case, however, all staff who were in close contact with the two officials have been asked to screen, test and self-isolate at home until Thursday, 09 July 2020.

Furthermore, a fourth staff member in Legal Administration is self-isolating and awaiting their test results after her husband tested positive.

The Member of the Mayoral Committee for Development Planning, Cllr Lawrence Khoza, has pledged all necessary support to the affected units.
“We will continue to monitor all units in order to identify and manage the exposure and spread of the virus. We will also be consistent and continue to enforce strict safety measures and practices for the protection of all our staff members and clients; not only in the Department, but the City of Johannesburg at large.

“We are wishing the affected staff members a speedy recovery, and urge other colleagues to be vigilant and adhere to all safety and health protocols to help curb the spread of this virus,” said MMC Khoza.

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Media enquiries
Poppy Louw
Stakeholder Manager: MMC for Development Planning
081 235 4999