Spend this Mandela Day with Clean City SA

Clean City SA invites your organisation and its employees to join their uplifting community event, the 2nd Annual Mandela Day 2023.

Register HERE
Find more info HERE

Officially declared by the United Nations in November 2009, Mandela Day is an annual international celebration in honour of Nelson Mandela, and celebrated each year on Madiba’s birthday, July 18. The Mandela International Day is now celebrated in over 100 cities around the world.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation focus area for 2023 is the intersection between food security and climate change under the theme “it’s in your hands”. Under this theme, the focus for 2023 is about Climate, Food, and Solidarity.

Clean City SA in association with the Clean-up and Recycle Week SA invites companies/organisations with their employees to register and participate at the 2nd Annual Mandela Day 2023, on Tuesday, 18 July 2023. The event will start at 8am and will end at 4pm. The 1st Annual Mandela Day 2022 attracted 16 organisations and 316 participants. The 2nd Annual Mandela Day 2023 is expected to attract between 500 – 650 participants.

There are 30 blocks allocated to participating organisations (25 participants per block) at the 2nd Annual Mandela Day 2023 event. The blocks that have been identified in the areas of the inner-city of Johannesburg that are considered safer, and with less illegal dumping sites. The safety and security of all participants at the event is of paramount importance to the organisers and the participants. The event will start at 8am and will end at 4pm.

Following a clean-up and /or food and tree-planting activity, it is expected that all participants will return to Constitution Hill by 11am (transport will be provided) to partake in all other activities that will be taking place at the venue.

Exhibitors operating in the climate change industry, product packaging raw material, product packaging design, product packaging manufacturing, product distribution and retail, and waste recycling sectors are invited to exhibit their equipment, products, and solutions at the event.


RISE Africa 2023 Action Festival – The Cities We Want

RISE Africa brings together thinkers, doers and enablers from across the continent and the world to inspire action for sustainable cities.


This year’s theme is THE CITIES WE WANT and will be exploring how urbanisation and local action could be better considered and included in the African Union Agenda 2063 ambition. As usual, the festival will do this through merging creative expression, thought-leadership and collective voice across its sessions.

Explore the full 3-day programme and make sure to register for each session you’d like to attend. With over 22 sessions to choose from there is something for every thinker, doer and enabler working toward sustainable urban African solutions!

RISE Africa 2023 programme

Selected sessions will have French and/or English interpretation.

Register for individual sessions here: https://riseafrica.iclei.org/2023-programme/