As a member of F.I.R.M, JPOMA would like to reiterate the call for property owners and tenants across the city to fly the South African flag from their buildings or display a South African flag on their premises.
“In these unprecedented times of violence, illness and turmoil the Forum of Integrated Risk Mitigation (F.I.R.M.) in partnership with its corporate members and partners would like to call on all our neighbours to hang or display the South African flag.
This simple act serves to demonstrate our solidarity and spirit of Ubuntu, to emphasize the immense resilience that our diverse and unique nation holds.
Further this act serves as a tribute to all those on the front line; communities, law enforcement personnel, security members, health care workers, emergency response and fire fighters, and all those who have been impacted by the hardships of the current situation.
Please share your flags with us by posting pictures on social media under the #lovesouthafrica or through our regular communication channels;
United we shall rebuild our country, ensuring a brighter future for all!”